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Writer's pictureKelsey Sweet

Scavenging the Free Stuff & Priorities

I thought I would begin today by acknowledging the vast amounts of FREE resources available to the Novice Navigator and the Transformation Titan alike - you just have to know where to look; and maybe, how to ask. Sometimes it is as easy as that - just asking for what

Scavenging Free Stuff and Priorities for Your Transformation Toolkit
Creating Priorities

you want. Usually, it takes some effort and creative reframing to attain the necessary tools for our Transformation Toolkits. We will discuss here how you can go about making this process as easy as possible.

Let's first begin by describing the FREE resources:

  • Low hanging fruit.

  • What's right in front of you.

  • Those things that come from consolidating the other things (ie coupons).

  • A friend wants to trade.

  • Oh, it came with hidden obligations.

Take. The. Time. Make. The. Effort.

Anymore these days, you can open up your library's computer and ask the Ai bots to search out the specifics for you. They might even generate something you wouldn't have thought of yourself. Just asking people around you for some insights into your scavenging will help you to build your Transformation Toolkit. However, it does take some practice using words effectively to communicate with others to get desired responses.

There are several free resources available that can help with personal and business transformations. Here are a few that you might find useful:

1. McKinsey Insights: Offers a range of articles and insights on organizational transformation, including key actions that can increase the odds of success.

2. Harvard Business Review (HBR): Provides a collection of articles on personal growth and transformation, covering various aspects of managing change and developing leadership skills.

3. Business Talent Group Resources: Features ideas, insights, Q&As, eBooks, infographics, and videos for leaders heading up significant business and corporate transformations.

4. Fundera: Lists 50 free or free-trial tools and resources to help grow your small business, covering various aspects of business operations.

5. Foundation For Talent Transformation: A non-profit foundation offering free resources to help individuals understand themselves and others, and thrive in their personal and working lives.

These resources can provide valuable guidance and tools for navigating the complexities of transformation in both personal and professional contexts. They can help you gain insights into effective strategies, learn new skills, and find inspiration for your journey of change. Remember to explore each resource to see which one aligns best with your specific needs and goals.

These are only starting points. When it comes to Transformation, you can never have enough information... No worries, it is our job to show you how to integrate it all into your life.

Next, let's begin to understand our resources as priorities:

Priorities are a funny subject, and a topic at family dinners where everyone else thinks they knows what's best for you.

When it comes to prioritizing resources, sometimes, we have to prioritize the free stuff because we can't afford the expensive investments at a certain time. I get it, when Transformation is your top priority, you will do just about anything to become your best self. On the flip side, just because something is free, doesn't mean it holds any less perceived value.... Take some free advice, even if it may not be what you want to hear. To take it with a grain of salt can help lend something to your back pocket.

Things like safety and clean water are some basic needs that deserve to be mentioned in the realm of priorities. Ethics and standards for excelence for the sake of human evolution, all important things to keep at the forefront of your mind when creating that toolkit and initiating That Transformation. Considering the highest good of all mankind is a conscious and responsible effort, if not noble in times of painful exploitation of our Natural Resources.

When working on creating guidance resources for The Transformation Guide, it's important to prioritize effectively. Here are some steps you might consider to set your priorities, which have also helped in designing this guide:

1. Identify Key Objectives: Determine the main goals of The Transformation and the environment you are in. What are the expected outcomes, and what impact will it have? Recognize the consequences of your behavior. Be precise in knowing what you want to achieve and set those realistic expectations for yourself and others.

2. Assess Resource Availability: Look at the resources you have at your disposal in this moment, or in any given moment. This includes time, personnel, information, and materials. Look at the function of objects and prepare yourself to be innovative with problem solving.

3. Evaluate Urgency and Importance: Use a prioritization framework to assess the urgency and importance of each task. Tasks that are both urgent and important should typically be prioritized first. It is ok to be flexible and breathe when things seem out of control.

4. Consider Stakeholder Needs: Think about who will be interacting with you, or be affected by your decisions, and what they need most urgently. Engaging with stakeholders can provide valuable insights into what to prioritize. Being a gregarious species means taking other people into consideration.

5. Review Previous Progress: Look at what has already been accomplished and what needs to be done next. This can help you to build on existing work without duplicating efforts. It can also foster a sense of confidence by honoring your resilience and ability to overcome challenges.

6. Set Clear Milestones: Break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable milestones. This can help you track progress and stay focused on immediate priorities. Overwhelming endeavors can be simplified into actionable steps that are easy to reinforce. Be honest with yourself and know your limitations.

7. Use Tools and Frameworks: There are various tools and frameworks available that can help with prioritizing tasks, such as stack ranking or top prioritization. People have invented a plethora of tools to make life easier so there is no use trying to reinvent the wheel, especially at this stage in technological advancement.

These tools can help you decide what to tackle next based on predefined criteria.

Remember, prioritization is about making informed decisions on what to do next, considering the impact and resources available. No one knows your circumstance better than you, so be practical when it comes to how you're spending your time and energy. It's also about understanding what can be delayed or left behind to focus on the most important tasks at hand.

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